Our church culture is presented through everyone who is serving. Our language, gestures and body language matter. Our faces should speak of life through our smiles and our attitude. Every week the message of the church should start in the parking lot! From the moment people get out of their cars, until the time they leave, they should feel welcomed and valued!


  • Greeters should arrive 30 min before service starts (First Service 8:30 A.M.; Second Service 10 A.M.).

  • Wear lanyard and Greeter T-shirts when you are scheduled to serve.

  • Two greeters inside the entrance doors. On nice days, they can be outside the doors. They should be prepared with an umbrella when it’s raining. 

  • One person at the Information Desk. This is where people come to sign up for upcoming events, purchase T-shirts, come for directions and can ask questions about the church. Therefore, when you are stationed at the Information Desk, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the upcoming events and where to send people for Sunday mornings (ie. Bathrooms, Nursery, Preschool, Kids min, etc.).

 We have a big vision for this team. If you are interested in joining the Greeter team, please email Office@captivate.church for more information.